A Recap of what has been happening so far in 2018

Ok so I haven’t yet written a post in the new year, but that doesn’t mean that things haven’t been happening. The big news is that in  three days our third grandchild will be born. The first son of our third son, Peter and his wife Missy will be delivered via c-section on Wednesday morning.

Now that should make babysitting very interesting! I actually won’t have to worry about babysitting for a newborn and a three-year plus old for a while.

Anti-Aging Activities Need to Be Initiated

Now while this year does not find me as out of shape as I was last year I am in as good as shape as I want to be in. So January will find me again trying to lose some weight and get back in shape.

2018 Reads

One thing that I have done well over the last several weeks is to continue to read at a pretty good pace. I finished reading my third book of 2018 yesterday only moments before the Eagles playoff game.

The books that I have finished are:

Let the Devil Sleep by John Verdon, book three in Verdon’s Dave Gurney series.

The Unexpected President: The Life and Times of Chester A Arthur by Scott S. Greenberger

The Dry – by Jane Harper – book 1 of the Aaron Falk series.

I will try to write about each one of these books within the next few days

A 2017  Playlist of My Top Tracks

Finally at the start of the year I saw a playlist tat Spotify titled “Your Top Songs 2017”. I downloaded it and have been enjoying it over the last two weeks. Here is playlist with the first twelve tracks of the full playlist.

The playlist contains a few songs from each of my favorite  genres. There’s three Prog Rock tracks, four Americana tracks, three Blues songs and one each from the New Age and Jazz genres. Most of the tracks I have been listening to a lot over the last six months including the tracks from: RPWL’s A New Dawn Live album, Slaid Cleaves’s Ghost on the Car Radio and Tom Russell’s Folk Hotel.

But when tracks from few albums like Noah Haidu’s Infinite Distances, Cydemind’s Erosion and Ian Foster’s Sleeper Years came on I confess I had to look to see who it was that was playing. But they’re all good so enjoy!!
