A Morning Workout and Then a Run – Not!

A Morning Workout and Then a Run – Not!


This morning I was planning on running, First though I had to drop my wife off at the doctor for a 3-month check-up. So I decided to do a limited dance-cardio workout before taking her and then run. Typically, over the summer and into September my morning dance-cardio workout lasted anywhere from 40 to 60 minutes long and burnt 400-600 calories.Everything was moving along nicely, I was dropping the last few pounds I needed and was get very close to my goal weight.

Prostate Troubles  Lead to Diet Changes and Running Again


Then I went to the doctor for my yearly check-up and  blood work. Again everything was very good, except for the levels on the last test, the PSA test used to detect prostate problems. The level to be below was 4.0 and my level was 4.6. As a result, my doctor recommended that I visit a urologist. Over the last five years my PSA levels have been gradually creeping upwards which they do with age, but this year’s level is almost 3 times higher than last year’s level. Which is the reason the doctor sent me to the urologist!

A Possible Cause for the High PSA Level?


For a couple of days  I tried to think of a reason (other than the obvious) for the spike in the  PSA reading. When I thought about it I realized, the weekend before I took the test I did two of the hardest workouts on Saturday and Sunday. Then I worked at Target Monday morning. In the afternoon I did another workout.That night I fasted and took the test on Tuesday morning. Could that exercising have effected the results??

Subsequently, I came cross an article where  researchers had found a link between excessive exercise and an elevated PSA reading. Both of the doctors have said that they have never read anything like that. But the urologist agreed after reviewing my blood work and past PSA levels to wait 4 weeks or so and do a retest. So I go for the retest the last week in November and revisit the urologist on December 4th.

Changes In My Diet and Running Again


In the mean time I have made some revisions to my diet. I am trying to eat more foods that  good for my prostate. The way I see it is, even if the changes don;t lower my level, it will be good in the long run. You can read about Ten Super Foods for prostate health here One of the worst foods for prostate health are potatoes. Particularly when they are cooked at high temperatures as in French Fires and Potato Chips!! Two of my favorite foods!! Here’s an article with Eight of the Worst Foods for prostate health.

Along with changes in my diet I also decided to cut back on the dance-cardio. As an alternative, I start running again.Typically, I would run three days a week. I ran four miles on Tuesdays and Thursdays and then 5-8 miles on Saturday or Sunday. The way my schedule is now between Target and babysitting that schedule will work. And since October 10th I have run seven times! The one thing I have discovered is that it’s easier to be in shape and re-start running, then to run to get in shape!

Rain Today, So Now Run, But Some Good Jazz Piano from David Hazeltine….

Ok so back to where we started doing dance-cardio and then running, Since it has been raining all morning, in hindsight I guess I should have checked the weather forecast first! I would have seen it was supposed to rain all day and I could have exercised longer!

Anyway if I had run I probably wouldn’t have written this post so I guess that’s  plus. I also wouldn’t have been listening to the new David Hazeltine album The Time is Now featuring David on piano, Ron Carter on bass and Al Foster drums. Here’s a taste of that album…..

Featured Image from:bt.com –
8 superfoods for a healthy prostate