2019 Goals and Challenges – Part II

2019 Goals and Challenges Part II

Ok in the first post in this series I wrote mainly about my efforts to turn back my biological clock and my goals concerning diet. Here are some of my other goals that are part of those efforts. Additionally I address how I use Challenges to help me reach my goals.

Exercise Goals

My weekly exercise routine is composed of three activities running, yoga and dance cardio workouts that include dance and calisthenics and exercises using.variety of exercise equipment.


My main running goal for 2019 is to work back up to a weekly distance run of 14 to 15 miles. That breaks down to 4 miles per day twice a week and then 6 to 7 miles on a weekend day. In addition, I would also like to run 4 to 5 5K races this year.

A goal for the 5K races is to run a 5K in less than 30 minutes. In order to do that my average pace would need to be 9:30 per mile.  To get faster, I want to add a track interval workout to my training. Hmm, maybe that can be on Saturday’s or maybe a Monday or Friday??


Somewhere around September or October I added a nightly yoga routine to my daily exercise regime. I believe that the addition of this nightly exercise has had a positive impact. I think it’s part of the reason I have been able to maintain my weight at its current level and to run as well as I have. Therefore, I want to continue that into 2019.

In  addition I want to add more challenging poses.I also want to add poses to  improve my balance (which sucks) to my yoga practice.

Dance-Cardio Workouts

On my non-running days I want to continue my morning dance-cardio workouts As I think about it what I may do is two days do dance cardio and the other two days do a straight HIIT or Tabata workout.

Miscellaneous Goals

The goal for Sleep is to get my average night’s sleep to be over six hours. Right now I average around 5 hours and forty-five minutes per night. But that includes 30-40 minutes per night that the Fitbit says I’m awake. So maybe if I go to bed thirty minutes earlier I can attain this goal.

Mindfulness meditation

There are several ebooks on my Kindle concerning Mindful Meditation I think it’s time to ride one or two and put their programs into action.

A meditation is usually included in my morning yoga routine on Mondays and Fridays.. But believing in the power of meditation I need to do more! Maybe in the afternoons??

Reaching My Goals Through Challenges

Now I know I have laid out a lot of goals in this post and the previous post so now the question is how do I set out to achieve these goals. Last year I discovered that I do well if I establish short-term challenges. My challenges last year included a 21-day yoga challenge, as well as, a 30-day walking challenge . Both of these challenges had a positive impact and led to.the addition of that nightly yoga routine and my increased running.

So as the year progresses, I may create my 30-day Instant Pot Challenge or my 21-day  Mindfulness Meditation Challenge.

So stay tuned to see how I make out attacking these challenges. I think the real challenge will be fitting all this stuff into a week filled with work at Target and babysitting my grandchildren Zoe and Logan. A!og with a few visits from Oliver.


P.S.The next post will address my reading goals for 2019. This.year’s challenge may not be as involved as in years past!