Bimonthly Exercise Update: Return to Kundalini Yoga?

OBimonthly Exercise Update

So two weeks ago I laid out my exercise goals for the coming week and beyond.  They included:

Next week’s workout goal is working out 3 days using workouts that will burn 400 plus calories. And maybe weather permitting jogs on Tuesday,Thursday and Saturday?

How’d I do?

Week 1 

During the first week, I had two 400 calories burned workouts and a run. However I ran on the same day as one of the workouts (Tuesday the 27th) and I could feel it feel it in my legs for two days after!

So on Wednesday I took it easy and did a few exercises that targeted my core. Then Thursday my car went in the shop and my jog became two mile and a half walks to and from the garage. The second 400 calorie burned workout was last Saturday morning.

Week 2

This past week Tuesday again was a good day, with a 400 plus calories burned workout. But then on Wednesday I did something different. I decided to do a Kundalini Kriya.

The kriya that I chose was Nabhi Kriya. This Kriya focuses on developing the strength of the naval point. The five exercises that compose the Kriya are designed to get the abdominal area in shape quickly. Several of exercises are long. For example, the time for the third exercise is fifteen minutes!

However, shorter times are always provided to be used when you are starting your practice. I did that exercise for seven minute, which is still tough.

You can check out a pdf of the Nabhi Kriya here.

I did the Kriya on both Wednesday and Thursday. On Thursday I added some movement at the beginning of the workout to get my heart rate a little elevated. In hopes that I would burn a few more calories.

This morning, rather that return to my regular workout, I stayed with Kundalini yoga. I went back to the first book I bought on Kundalini yoga (see featured image) and did a set of exercises called “stretching in the morning.” Many of the exercises in the routine, such as camel ride, spinal twists, shoulder shrugs and neck rolls have been used  in my exercise routines through the years.

So while the workout, which last 38 minutes, doesn’t burn many calories I do feel good. So I may continue to add more Kundalini Kriyas into my workout schedule.


So while I have not incorporated running into my workouts during the last two weeks or burnt the planned calories, I do feel I am moving in the right direction. And while my biological clock may not be going in reverse, maybe it has slowed just a little.

However, I am not going to set out a schedule for next two weeks. I’m just going to say that I will try to get a day or two of my normal workouts in during the week, along with a few Kundalini kriyas, and run again weather permitting!

Wish me luck! Wahe Guru!  Sat Nam and Namaste!