Why the Biologic Clock is not going backwards….
Over the last month and a half I have not done a whole lot to turn back my biologic clock. In fact with my bronchitis and I think a couple of colds, I have basically been trying to keep that clock from taking great leaps forward. One of the things that I haven’t been able to do is start back running, which is hard to do when you can’t stop coughing, and it’s cold outside! But now even when the weather is nicer and I’m feeling better I am finding it difficult to find the time to run.
The other day I was thinking about it and realized that when I add babysitting our two grandchildren to my Target schedule my schedule gets pretty full! I am off Sunday and Monday, but then the rest of the week has been pretty crowded! Lately its been Target Tuesdays and Thursdays followed by babysitting Zoe and then babysitting Oliver on Wednesday and Fridays and Target starting at 6 am on Saturdays With the return of my daughter-in-law’s grandmother from a February vacation, my babysitting duties for Zoe my slack off and Oliver may be going to day care full-time, I may have more time in my schedule. But I also know that I will miss babysitting them greatly, actually, babysitting them is a lot more fun than running, so I think in the long run I’d rather squeeze in the running time and babysit then sit around and miss them! You can’t win!
Anyway, all this has led me to writing a lot less on this blog! From Tuesday through Saturday when I’m done work or babysitting I’m tired and can successfully put off writing until it’s time for bed.
I have been for the most part been keeping up with yoga and meditation in the mornings and sometimes in the evening. I have read ten books so far this year have actually explored the music of a lot of musicians some old favorites but more that I am listening to for the first time!
The Music that keeps me going….
Three weeks ago, I decided to pick a few jazz albums out the listened to them whenever I was in the car those albums included new releases from: GoGo Penguin’s Man Made Objects, Herlin Riley‘s New Direction and Matthew Halsall’s Into Forever. of the three Herlin Riley’s New Direction was my favorite.
Two weeks, I did the same thing with blues albums and listened to the latest from Anni Piper, RB Stone- Some Call it Freedom (Some Call it the Blues), Riff Riders – Hit the Road, Â Toronzo Cannon- The Chicago Way and Van Wilks-21st Century Blues. My favorites were Anni Piper’s More Friends than Guitars, which I did manage to write about, but Toronzo Cannon’s The Chicago Way, is still on my list to write about!
New Age albums that have been in my rotation include: Distant Horsemen from Timothy Wenzel and Uma Silbey’s Altered States. Both of which have been soundtracks for exercise and meditations! Tmothy Wenzel’s is my favorite of these two!
Ok so my goals look a lot like they did three weeks ago…..
The Goals for the Week…..
Get Back to Eating Better: to that end I bought strawberries and blueberries yesterday.
Do yoga every morning (maybe add a new routine)
Run two times this week
Continue to Read, hopefully finish one or two books!
Write about the albums and artists that I have been listening to over the last several weeks!
Here’s Toronzo Cannon and his band performing “Fine Seasoned Woman” from The Chicago Way Oh by the way this song has the Zoe seal of approval as she rocked out to it in her car seat this week!