Bowl of Heaven-Gregory Benford & Larry Niven

Bowl of HeavenGregory Benford and Larry Niven – (Book 25 of 2015)


It took me almost two months to finish Bowl of Heaven the collaborative effort from two of Science Fiction’s best authors Gregory Benford and Larry Niven. The reason is that while I was reading Bowl of Heaven I started several really good books, those boos caught and kept my attention, causing Bowl of Heaven to be continually put aside. The book never really hooked me, I didn’t really care about the main characters and it seemed that most of the story was just,, well quite simply, boring. But by the time I got to page 300 I thought I might as well finish the damn thing.The book is the first of two books the second is titled Shipstar and the question I face now is do I want to go on and read the second book in hopes that it is better than the first one??

Bowl of Heaven

The story follows the flight from Earth of the Sunseeker which is on a mission to a planetary system named Glory that is potentially an earth like system. On their way, they encounter a Big Damn Object (BDO)a bowl like structure that has captured a sun and uses that sun to power the bowl. Around the rim of the bowl there are lands that are earth like, with oceans, and continents but on the size of planets. The crew of the Sunseeker decide to investigate the world and sends a shuttle down to the surface. First they have to cut their way into the world, only the wall of the bowl, self repairs leaving part of the landing crew trapped inside the bowl. The remaining members of the crew are then captured by the Bird-like Astronomer Folk. Over the remainder of the book the first crew is on the run trying to avoid being captured or killed. They are led by the crew’s biologist Cliff Kammash. The second crew is led by the love of Cliff’s life Beth Marble also a biologist. Her crew is kept for a while by the Astronomers and analyzed by Memer and Attendant Astute Astronomer. Eventually they too escape and are on the run from the Astronomers!

The first problem that I had with the book was believing that the two crews could survive,outwit and outrun the makers and pilots of this BDO! The second was that I really didn’t care whether the crews got away or not because I didn’t like any of the characters! Throughout most of the book the crew members are either running, eating, sleeping or thinking about sex! It was either boring or annoying, particularly when Cliff slept with a team member Irma, so much for worrying or being faithful to the love of his life, Beth!

I also had a problem wrapping my head around the Astronomer Folk – birdlike creatures who both talk and express themselves through their plummage! I has problems seeing them piloting spacecrafts even though they were described as having finger like claws I just couldn’t picture them, plus I didn’t feel anything for them either bad or good!

Bottomline: I give Bowl of Heaven a 2 out iof 5 rating. I did make it through the book and somehow I am actually contemplating reading the second book! I think it’s just so I can see if I really did waste my time with book one! Hopefully the second book is much better and this book was mostly setting the stage for a terrific conclusion! My worst fear though is that Shipstar is as boring and lackluster as Bowl of Heaven and I have wasted double the time!! Maybe what I do is start Shipstar and if it’s not noticeably better in the first 50 pages walk away from it!! Anybody have any thoughts on either book??