A Yoga Challenge Update & Logan Does Yoga!


A Yoga Challenge Update

Since I started my 21-day yoga challenge, which later morphed into a 30-day yoga challenge on April 8th, I have done a yoga routine every morning except one!   Most days I have done one of the three routines presented in Richard Hittleman’s Yoga – 28 Day Exercise Program. On several of days that I didn’t do a Hittleman routine, I did a Kundalini routine. The end result is that I am a lot more flexible than I was two months ago. A bonus is I also feel better overall. The bottomland is that the three Hittleman yoga routines are now a regular part of my morning exercise routine and hopefully will stay there.

I am a firm believer that flexibility of your spine is an important ingredient in your overall health and well-being.

Thoughts about the Seven Chakras

In addition, while I have not gotten into all of the spirituality of Chakras and Chakra balancing, I do believe that there is validity in the concept of Chakras. If you are not familiar with Chakras, here are the seven Chakras….

From:The 7 Chakras
  1. Root chakra — base of the spine — red
  2. Sacral chakra — just below the navel — orange
  3. Solar Plexus chakra — stomach area — yellow
  4. Heart chakra — center of the chest — green
  5. Throat chakra — base of the throat — blue
  6. Third Eye chakra — forehead, just above area between the eyes — indigo
  7. Crown chakra — top of the head — violet
 The locations of the Chakras correspond to the major organ areas of the body such as the stomach and heart. Areas that we certainly should be aware of and try to keep balanced. Hmm?? Maybe my next challenge may be a 30-day Chakra Balancing Challenge!
Logan Masters the Happy Baby Pose
Anyway,  recently thoughts of yoga are always with me even when I’m babysitting. So on Tuesday when I saw my grandson Logan laying on his back and grabbing his toes I thought „Happy Baby Pose“
Here‘s an example of the Happy Baby Pose….
and Logan’s attempt…I think he nailed it! Don’t you?
 Earlier in the afternoon he warmed up for his attempt at the Pose while sitting on my lap.
Methinks Sir Logan is a little chubby? don’t you agree?